Fixing the Magic Keyboard After a Fall

Few weeks ago, I accidentally dropped my Magic Keyboard in a way that the fall made the power button stuck for eternity. As a result, the keyboard was always on looking for connections to make with nearby devices. Much like the all the extroverts out there!
Granting that I’ve a problem with people (or things) looking for connections unnecessarily, I decided to fix it. After couple of Google searches,I landed [here](
I started with cutting away the dented aluminum with the knife. It was only 30 minutes later that I realized the trick was not working. I returned to Google to browse through more potentially helpful links. And then I found [this](
The gentleman in the thread suggested sand paper to file out the button’s surrounding. And so I did. After rubbing it for an hour or so, it turned OFF (no pun intended). Although the power button enclosure looks like it has gone through some rough times, it’s working perfectly fine now. FTW. ✌️